On April 13th, 50 AAUW members attended our International Day presentation on Women’s Issues in Africa. We had 5 wonderful speakers from Cameroon, Kenya, Liberia and Tanzania. We learned what it was like for girls growing up in these countries. It was very informative and sometimes heartbreaking. Thank you to Asha Bajaj, our moderator, and to Sandi Shalon and Bette Felton who also helped plan the discussion. Special thanks also to the 14 members who brought various dishes for our African buffet, to Roseann Krane for planning the menu, and to Carol Highton for being in charge of the lunch. If you would like more information on the issues that the panel brought up, please check the following links:
www.earthassistance.org (Ruth Balsdon – Tanzania)
www.harambeechildrensproject.com (Tabitha Konogo – Kenya)
www.womentowomensupportgroup.com (Bendu Hunter & Monoh Mayson – Liberia)
Alicia Jones
International Relations Chair