
What’s Happening in Social Media?


A place to find information about our branch’s programs and events, as well as information from National and California AAUW offices. Our number of page likes (have you liked our page?) are at 181, up from the 125 we were at in September 2020.

Make sure to “like” and “share” posts. Please feel free to comment…all these actions turn on the Facebook algorithms thereby making our page more prominent. By sharing the information on your personal page, your friends learn about the great work AAUW is doing locally and nationally.


We revived our DAW Instagram page in 2020. We now have 175 followers! Are you one of them? Again, please “like” and “share” (onto your story) our posts so that you help us spread the word of our programs and work in the community.

X (Twitter)

This account is currently inactive.

Bottom line…it is all about spreading the word by sharing!

AAUW National and California Social Media

Besides our local branch you might be interested in following the National AAUW and California AAUW social media sites. You may find these by visiting their website pages; use the links listed on the right side of our webpage.

One last note:
I encourage you to visit the home page for AAUW California at: AAUW California you’ll learn about upcoming events including webinars and other state-wide programs. This is an exciting, dynamic way to reach our members.

Isabel Lau, Social Media Manager
(February 2022, updated January 2024)