AAUW DAW 22nd Garden Tour
“Gardens That Inspire”
Friday and Saturday,
May 10 & 11, 2024
We had two beautiful days to enjoy the 2024 Garden Tour with six wonderful gardens located in Walnut Creek, Danville, and Alamo. They covered a fascinating range of styles from California natives, to extravagant flowers, to a beautiful rose garden. Over 550 attendees were inspired to see the diversity of landscaping and the details of the many plantings.
Tena Gallagher and Monika Witte lead the team that enabled this year’s event to come together. The six homeowners were very generous to get their gardens in top shape and share them for the tour. Carol Highton and Julie Grisham created five amazing gift baskets to tempt people to try their chances with raffle tickets, while Kathy Harkins organized the refreshments. And, of course, the many branch members who volunteered as docents were critical to making the event a success.
Click here to view a slide show of photos from the tour.
A very sincere “THANK YOU” to one and all!!