June 2024 Installation and Recognition

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Danville Congregational Church

Join us at our annual event to spotlight all that we do with AAUW and celebrate the past year’s accomplishments! We’ll also welcome our new branch officers for the 2024-25 fiscal year and honor some very deserving, special branch members. All current and prospective members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

We’ll have social time to start, along with an opportunity to provide input to plans for branch activities in 2024-25. As we share ideas, we’ll enjoy free margaritas and a complimentary Mexican-themed buffet dinner as a treat to all of our wonderful, loyal branch members. It will be a great opportunity to touch bases with old and new AAUW friends before our summer break in branch activities.

Once we’ve gotten refreshments, the formal program for the evening will include:

    • A final call for our branch elections
    • Recognition of our newest 50-year members and of members with outstanding service
    • An update about our 2024 Local Scholarship awardees
    • Recognition and thanks to our 2023-24 outgoing board members
    • An introduction and the installation of our incoming 2024-25 board members
    • A chance to learn about branch committees and volunteer opportunities

You won’t want to miss this fun and informative event!

Don’t delay, please RSVP – click here.

Policy for Attending Branch Functions

If you are feeling ill in any way or have been in close contact with someone known to have COVID or any other significant communicable disease, please do not attend any meeting!

We encourage you to be considerate of everyone attending a function, some of whom might be more susceptible than others. COVID exposure remains a serious issue. If you have any doubts, test, wear a mask, and err on the side of caution.

While there are inherent risks in attending any in-person event, with your help we will do our best to keep everyone safe at our meetings.