- Uphold the AAUW mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.
- Effectively communicate to our membership through general membership monthly meetings that offer educational programs, use of our one website, email blasts and newsletters.
- Showcase a successful Holiday Home Tour for Local Branch Scholarship women and Tech Trek girls by maximizing branch participation and volunteer support, using advertising, networking and outreach to publicize the event.
- Hold a successful Garden Tour to support our AAUW Funds, especially Project Grants and our National Association.
- Retain our current membership and look for opportunities to bring in new members into the branch including but not limited to schools and community outreach.
- Support our community through Expanding your Horizons (EYH) and public policy opportunities.
- Use technology to streamline processes such as voting and membership management.
- Strengthen networking among members through special interest groups and creativity night.
- Encourage activities with other educational legislative and philanthropic organizations that have similar missions as AAUW.