Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek 2013-2014 Executive Board Members, Installation May 30, 2013. Left to right, Installing officer Mary Mix, President-elect Mary Ellen Blake, Co vice president programs Mimi Knox, Co President Karen Large, Co President Loretta Alsthuler, Co vice president programs Jo-Anne Lyons, Co vice president membership Susan Terzuolli, Co Secretary Olga Erbe, Installing Officer Marcia Steinhardt. Absent: Co membership vice president Elizabeth Williams, AAUW Funds vice president Carol Kennedy,Co Secretary Nell Fraser, Treasurer Joyce Tenney.
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2013-2014 Executive and Appointed Board
Executive Board Position |
Board Member |
Co-Presidents | Loretta Altshuler, Karen Large |
President Elect | Mary Ellen Blake |
Programs Co-VPs | Mimi Knox, Jo-Anne Lyons |
Membership Co-VPs | Susan Terzuoli, Liz Williams |
AAUW Funds VP | Carol Kennedy |
Secretary | Olga Erbe |
Treasurer | Joyce Tenney |
Appointed Position |
Board Member |
Advertising Managers | Kathie Hixon, Jennifer Krommenhoek |
Advocate Editor | Holly Sauer |
Advocate Assistant Editor | Marcia Steinhardt |
Advocate Circulation Manager | Pat Foster |
Corresponding Secretary | Pat Gross |
Database Manager | Kerry Montalvo |
Directory Manager | Dora-Thea Porter |
eMail Manger | TBD |
EYH Co-Chairs | Pam Burdusis, Iris Stone |
Graphic Designer | Dora-Thea Porter |
Garden Tour Co-Chairs | Mary Holzheimer, Kathy McKnight |
Holiday Home Tour Co-Chairs | Anna Freitas, Jane Stimpson |
Hospitality Chair | Judy Lauper |
International Relations Chair | Marian Bliss |
Local Scholarship | Lynn Goodwin |
Parliamentarian | Holly Sauer |
Public Policy Co-Chairs | Asha Bajaj, Joan Conley |
Publicity Chair | Tena Gallagher |
Tech Trek Chair | Helga Glasson |
Webmaster | Teresa Cheung |
Women’ s History Chair | Holly Sauer |
Women’s Issues Co-Chairs | Bev Nidick, Cynthia Savell |