Membership Drive
(August 2021) -We are actively recruiting new and returning members to our Branch. If you know someone who would like to join our group of wonderful women, please send the our New Member Flyer , our New Member Link and contact our Membership VP, Claudia Schwarz.
New Member Meet & Greet

Lisa Simone, Chris Ritter, Debbie Block, Joanne Quijano, Wendi Whitcomb and Claudia Schwarz at DAW AAUW New Member Meet and Greet
(July, 2021) Our new Membership VP, Claudia Schwarz, hosted a morning coffee get-together to welcome our new and prospective branch members at Peet’s coffee near Heather Farms on Saturday, July 10th. Joanne Quijano and Chris Ritter joined Claudia at the event to meet some of our new and prospective members. We learned that our new members are eager to get involved with their local communities and looked to AAUW and our many activities for social and mission-based work as a great way to meet women friends.
We are growing in members thanks to our outreach efforts!