- 11th Annual Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek Holiday Home Tour
- Save The Date – January Program: Human Trafficking in the Bay Area
- Presidents’ Message
- Welcome New Members
- Important Announcements: Membership Name Tags & Directories
- AAUW Fund Thanks You
- Neighborhood Groups Are Going Strong
- Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek Interest Group Activities
- AAUW San Ramon’s Silent Auction Gala
- 2015-2016 Danville-Alamo-Walnut Creek Events Calendar
- Our Sponsors
Susan Beyerle, San Ramon
Hellebore neighborhood group
Cindy Haston, Danville
Rose neighborhood group
Rose Jackson, Walnut Creek
Chrysanthemum neighborhood group
Sara Lautenbaack, Walnut Creek
Butterfly neighborhood group
Melly Rosen, Oakland
Chrysanthemumneighborhood group
Carla ZingerelliRosenlight
Chrysanthemum neighborhood group
Nell Ryan, Danville
Rose neighborhood group
Elaine Safer, Walnut Creek
Chrysanthemum neighborhood group
Ellen Severson, Danville
Ladybug neighborhood group
Susan Sockol, Walnut Creek
Chrysanthemum neighborhood group
Hellebore: Ellen Waskey
Hummingbird: Open – Volunteer Needed!
Rose: Open – Volunteer Needed!
The Epicurean Gourmet Group will have its next dinner on December 19, 2015 at the home of Carol and Jim Kennedy. Please call or email Carol Kennedy
We have a spectacular variety of foods from East to West and North to South, which feature natural foods grown in that area or have been brought here by ancestors. We have grown up in different areas of the USA, have enjoyed and are experts in these foods, or we have traveled to these areas. Joan will provide suggestions, but hopes you will each find and research a passionate place.This year we will feature: New Orleans Classic, French Canadian, Basque from California Central Valley, Kansas City Barbeque, Tex-Mex, and Hawaiian Islands. Other suggestions are welcome.
For further information visit our new Regional Foods of the USA webpage.