(March 2025) Thanks to Programs VPs Monika Witte and Ogie Strogatz, and Public Policy Chair Laurinda Ochoa, we had another great program on February 20 with a panel of experienced and knowledgeable people about identity issues affecting students in our schools. We co-hosted this program with the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs, with their president participating on the panel. To find some notes about this program, click here. I am very pleased we have been able to offer such quality educational programs for our community. I also heard several appreciative comments during and after the program about our presence and support of our public schools in the district meetings and elsewhere.
I detect a slight warming in the weather, though we can always welcome more rain. I will admit the warmth does not extend to my feelings about the way our government seems to have been going since the January inauguration. We can be proud that our branch and AAUW in general continue to raise our voices and advocate for equity, respect, inclusion and just plain decency.
(February 2025) What an inspiring start for 2025! Our January joint program with the Orinda-Moraga-Lafayette Branch on mitigating inequity in perinatal outcomes for people of color was very well-attended. The powerful panel of experts gave us a lot of detailed information. Click here for more about this event.
To be honest I am feeling a bit of mental whiplash. The timing coincidence of celebrating Martin Luther King Day, recognizing all that he contributed and the kind of person he was, with the inauguration of a president of sharply contrasting values and principles, and the untimely passing of Cecile Richards, a long-time activist for women and former President of Planned Parenthood, gives one pause.
Nevertheless, we persist! Our Co-Program VPs, Monika Witte and Ogie Strogatz, are hard at work firming up our 2025 programs, which promise to deliver new learnings and ways to continue to make a difference in our communities.
We are contributing to the narrative and to actions that will counter the culture of exclusion.
– Deborah
(January 2025) I enjoyed seeing many of you at my home for our informal “Third Thursday” Holiday Open House on December 19. Thanks to everyone who came – bringing delicious food, holiday cheer, and beverages galore! We had a special treat: Chris Ritter led us in some carols with her expert piano-playing, the rest of the group joining her with our best singing voices. Conversation was fun and often insightful about our expectations, hopes, and challenges for the coming year.
Don’t miss our first program for 2025, sponsored jointly with the Orinda-Moraga-Lafayette branch. This is a follow-on to some of the concepts introduced to us by Dr. Kendra Carr, the wonderful speaker at our Membership Brunch in September. We will become more familiar with the challenges of ensuring equitable healthcare in our county. You can find more details in the January issue of The Advocate and on our website.
I encourage all of you to offer your talents and energy in 2025 to support one of our education projects (Local Scholarships and Tech Trek) or advocacy work with the public schools. We can each make a difference, and together we can amplify our power for positive change.
– Deborah
(December 2024) We enjoyed our first official “Third Thursday” program on November 21 – it was inspiring to learn about wellness policies and practices in the San Ramon Unified School District, followed by a nourishing and energizing physical wellness session for attendees. Read more about it – click here.
I hope to see everyone at my home for our informal “Third Thursday” Holiday Open House on December 19. We have a couple of small activities planned, but mostly just come to enjoy the company of your fellow DAW members and guests, some tasty finger foods, and holiday beverages.
We are approaching the Winter Solstice on December 21, when we will experience the fewest hours of daylight of the year. Let’s lift our spirits by sharing our own lights!
– Deborah
(November 2024) We are almost there – election day! Many of us have already sent in our ballots. I trust everyone who is a member of AAUW is engaged in our elections, making informed choices and using the information from forums and reliable media sources to vote with our heads and hearts. While I was traveling in the Owens Valley last month, we visited Manzanar, one of the Japanese internment camps used during WWII, to our country’s shame. At the museum (which I highly recommend visiting) I encountered this quote from Charles Evans Hughes, who was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court from 1930-1941. This statement is as valid today, perhaps even more so, than it was when Chief Justice Hughes expressed it:
“You may think that the Constitution is your security – it is nothing but a piece of paper… it is nothing at all, unless you have sound and uncorrupted public opinion.”
This speaks directly to our mission and values as members of AAUW – to identify, publicize and offer education opportunities for ourselves and for all in our communities, so as to ensure sound and informed opinions and actions.
– Deborah
(October 2024) I am writing this from the Eastern Sierra, where I’m camping with my husband and dog. The colors of aspens changing bring me joy.
At this season though, I am thinking about how I can make a difference. With so many on all sides of issues conveying impassioned rhetoric of fear and suspicion of anyone or anything “other”, what actions can we take? I think supporting our core AAUW mission, we can educate ourselves and then advocate and vote accordingly. This month our branch is helping to publicize several school board candidate forums, where you can learn about the people running for the school boards and support those who share our value of quality public education for all. Also, we know that school boards are often the first step for a political career, so voting for candidates now makes a difference for who you may see running for political offices in the future. A place for AAUW DAW members to take action!
Enjoy the autumn weather, and stay aware, stay kind, and support your community as we move into the election season.
– Deborah
(September 2024) So hard to believe that autumn is here! Especially when we are still experiencing the extra heat!
I hope you saw our recent email about the Membership Brunch on September 14. We will be trying an exciting new venue. Please join us to socialize with your DAW buddies and prepare to be wowed again by some of our 2024 Tech Trek campership recipients. In the same email was a request to review and vote on the 2024-25 budget to support our many activities. Speaking of which, later in this issue of the Advocate is a superb summary of some of our plans for educational events about the coming election, thanks to our Programs VPs Monika Witte and Ogie Strogatz and our Public Policy Chair Laurinda Ochoa.
We also are committed to continuing our presence at the San Ramon Valley Unified School District meetings, advocating for excellence and equity in our public school system. Consider attending these meetings; the next one is on September 10. Remember to proudly wear your “Equity for All” t-shirt! I am so grateful to our DAW board and committee members who have started this year with so much energy and enthusiasm, planning some excellent learning opportunities for our branch members and the public. And I am also grateful for the hard work done by Joanne Quijano, who not only edits this Advocate newsletter, but also is our Webmaster and maintains our DAW membership database.
See you soon at the upcoming brunch meeting or one of our programs.
– Deborah
(July-August 2024) Welcome to the start of our year! Like all of you, I am often overwhelmed with the “busyness” of my life. Was this what I really wanted retirement to be like? Nevertheless, I volunteered to be the DAW Branch President again. I did this for several reasons:
- I do not want to lose the momentum and energy created by our most recent past presidents, Monika Witte and Ogie Strogatz. Our branch has been strengthened by their dedication to Advocacy, Public Policy, and modification of our approach to one of our main mission projects – Local Scholarships. I think that their work enabled us to become more attractive to potential members, as well as carry out a very successful Garden Tour fundraising for our mission projects.
- Our branch membership (you!) has been showing up – at our Third Thursday Programs, at the School Board meetings, and volunteering for our committees. The energy and dedication is inspirational.
- It is always an honor and sometimes even fun (!) to meet and work with intelligent, caring women.
My goal for this year is to tone down the “busyness” but maintain the energy! I will continue to need your help and support to make this another great year.
– Deborah